The choir is not simply a music or singing group but is above all a ministry, that is, a service to the Christian community. By exercising their musical ministry they become "channels of grace" and authentic evangelizers of the assembly called by God. At Mass, the choir should help to live and express the unity of the assembly, being themselves models of that unity through the exercise of their ministry. The choir ministry is the only ministry that will exist in heaven. At Mass, the priest invites us all to proclaim: “And now together with the choir of the Angels, let us sing without ceasing; Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord. " The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us in session 1326: "The Eucharistic celebration we already join the liturgy of heaven and we anticipate eternal life when God will be all in all." (The celebration of the Christian Mystery | CCC 1326) When we participate and sing at Mass, we ask and anticipate, already here on earth, the wonders of heaven.
By, Angel Correa
(AMPHE Vicepresident)
