Philadelphia, PA - June 5, 2022
It is with great emotion and joy that we invite you to our IX Conference of Pastoral Musicians and Hispanic Ministers that will take place from September 9 to 11, 2022 at the Center for Spirituality (Mother Boniface) in the city of Philadelphia, PA. The theme of this conference will be “Rejoice in H
ope” (Romans 12:12).
You can now sign up at the following link.
Please note that rooms in the retreat house are limited. We encourage you to make your reservation and register as soon as possible.
Please share this information with music ministers and other liturgical ministers (Lectors, Ministers of Holy Communion and Hospitality).
The Conference will have workshops of great interest that will serve the ongoing training of ministers. For questions please contact by phone or email: Damaris Thillet at (267) 972-4085 or Blanca Crespo at (813) 610-8409
Download here the document of this press release:
Download the flyer and information documents related to the IX Conference.